الجمعة 14 مارس 2025 01:34 مـ 14 رمضان 1446هـ

رئيس التحرير محمد يوسف رئيس مجلس الإدارة خالد فؤاد حبيب

رئيس التحرير محمد يوسف رئيس مجلس الإدارة خالد فؤاد حبيب

    اتصالات وتكنولوجيا

    Jumia and adidas Partner to Expand Access to adidas Sportswear in Egypt and Morocco

    Jumia (NYSE: JMIA) and adidas, today announced a commercial partnership to bring adidas products to customers in Egypt and Morocco. This collaboration aims to make iconic adidas sportswear more accessible to millions of African consumers.

    The partnership builds on a long-term relationship between Jumia and adidas, reflecting the trust and shared commitment to offering quality products to customers. By leveraging Jumia’s extensive e-commerce platform, adidas is able to reach a wider audience in Egypt and Morocco and offer customers the best sportswear products with the newest technology at reasonable prices.

    "We are excited to partner with adidas to bring their globally recognized, high-quality products to t customers in Egypt This collaboration is a testament to the trust we have built with consumers across Africa and underscores our commitment to expanding Jumia's product assortment and enhancing our value proposition. By bringing adidas closer to the people, we are strengthening the bonds between adidas and Egyptian customers, delivering authenticity and quality in every purchase,” said Abdellatif Olama, CEO of Jumia Egypt.

    Through this partnership, Jumia will serve as one of official e-commerce partners for adidas in Egypt and Morocco, competitive deals and a wide selection of the brand’s latest products. Customers will be able to shop from adidas’ extensive collection of apparel, footwear, and accessories, all with the assurance of reliability, and timely delivery.

    “At adidas our brand mission is “THROUGH SPORTS WE HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE LIVES!” a mission that we choose to focus on, while putting our consumers in the center of everything we do, especially when it comes to ensuring that our relevant products like the DURAMO & RUNFALCON RUNNING shoes and the ADVANTAGE LIFESTYLE shoes, are reaching our consumers wherever they are. In light of our greater purpose, we constantly seek to grow long-term partnerships with strategic partners like Jumia, who through their vision of growth in the digital landscape across Africa, contribute to our brand mission and strategic growth plans in the e-retail ecosystem by enabling our highly demanded products to reach more & more e-shoppers in the Africa region,” said Mona Adel, Country Manager Egypt Morocco and Jordan.

    With this collaboration, Jumia reaffirms its position as a platform forgiving customers convenient access to authentic products, top global brands while supporting the growth of e-commerce across the continent.

    استطلاع الرأي

    أسعار العملات

    العملة شراء بيع
    دولار أمريكى 49.3414 49.4414
    يورو 53.7723 53.8961
    جنيه إسترلينى 62.9153 63.0675
    فرنك سويسرى 56.0507 56.1898
    100 ين يابانى 33.3726 33.4470
    ريال سعودى 13.1553 13.1826
    دينار كويتى 160.5278 160.9055
    درهم اماراتى 13.4325 13.4633
    اليوان الصينى 6.8549 6.8693

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    الوحدة والعيار الأسعار بالجنيه المصري
    عيار 24 بيع 3,629 شراء 3,686
    عيار 22 بيع 3,326 شراء 3,379
    عيار 21 بيع 3,175 شراء 3,225
    عيار 18 بيع 2,721 شراء 2,764
    الاونصة بيع 112,849 شراء 114,626
    الجنيه الذهب بيع 25,400 شراء 25,800
    الكيلو بيع 3,628,571 شراء 3,685,714
    سعر الذهب بمحلات الصاغة تختلف بين منطقة وأخرى
    مصر 24 أول خبر المطور بوابة المواطن المصري حوادث اليوم التعمير مصري بوست

    مواقيت الصلاة

    الجمعة 01:34 مـ
    14 رمضان 1446 هـ 14 مارس 2025 م
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